• Although there can be some discomfort associated with laser hair removal, you should not experience pain. Getting laser hair removal may feel like the snap of an elastic band. This feeling, although it can be sharp, will vary based on the treatment area and the intensity of the laser. If you ever feel pain during your treatment, please tell your provider so they can make the appropriate adjustments.

  • The number of treatments required to achieve desired results is based on the service you’re getting, your skin type, and your skin concerns. Some services, like our Essential and Signature facials, can be beneficial after only one treatment. Other services, like chemical peels, microneedling, laser facials, and laser hair removal, generally require multiple treatments to achieve the best results. All of our services that work best after multiple treatments are also sold in packages so you can take full advantage of the specific service. It is important to remember to schedule your appointments regularly to get the best results.

  • Our minimum age of consent for all services is 18 years old. For some of our services, we do allow parental consent for individuals 15 years old and above but we do not allow anyone under the age of 18 to receive laser hair removal, regardless of parental consent. If you are a parent looking into facial or laser services for your child, please contact us directly and we will be happy to assist.

  • This depends on multiple factors, including the service you received, your skin type, and your skin concerns. Some of our facial services have immediate results, but they may not last as long as other services. Services that work best after multiple treatments generally have longer-lasting results but it can take more time to achieve them. Following our post-care instructions, having a tailored home-care routine, and scheduling appointments regularly can also impact the longevity of your results. Services such as laser hair removal are much more long-term. This service is often considered permanent, although that cannot be guaranteed. Changing hormones can greatly affect hair growth patterns and you may experience regrowth after successful laser hair removal through various stages of life.

  • We highly recommended following our post-care instructions for any service you receive. Following these instructions can improve your rate of healing, improve your chances of having more beneficial results, and reduce any risks associated with the service.

  • Although not required for all services, getting a free consultation is a great opportunity to meet your aesthetician, answer any questions you may have, and have your skin assessed properly. It also allows us to curate a treatment plan that best suits your skin type and skin concerns. Please note, all laser and IPL services require consultations as these services depend greatly on your skin type and it is essential to make sure you are a good candidate for the service prior to getting the first treatment.

  • Laser and IPL services depend greatly on your skin type. A patch test is a required component of the laser and IPL consultation. It involves having a small, hidden patch of your skin tested with the laser or IPL to ensure you are a good candidate for the service and do not have any adverse reactions.

  • Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, is the process of using very small needles to cause pinpoint “trauma” to your face, forcing your body's healing process to react and essentially jump into overdrive producing collagen and elastin. This service results in firmer-looking skin and the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, and the appearance of scars. Microneedling should not hurt; prior to the treatment, your face will be numbed so you should only feel some slight pressure, but no pain.